
Today's Photos

I have no idea what this is, but it's very large and about to crash into that other building.
I believe I posted a photo of Asakusa before, but here is the Thunder Gate (kaminarimon).
Any souvenir you want is available here.
A pigeon, a bell, and a shade - shaped taiyaki.
The taiyaki production line.

Temples in Asakusa.

Real world Japan perhaps?
Traveling salesman.


Today's Fish

If anyone is up for noodling, this is the place to go. I couldn't stay that long to watch them because I had to catch a train, but I'm pretty sure that one tried to eat a pigeon.


Today's Photo

Wow was this ramen spicy.


Today's Photos

It snowed this evening.
This was a delicious dessert that translates into "seagull egg."


Expanded Photos from Kamakura

More at Engaku-ji.
Back to Tokei-ji.
There was lots of walking up at Kencho-ji.
Tsuru-go-aka Hachiman-gu.
The town of Kamakura.
Then to the beach.
We got the Daibutsu too late to go inside of him (yes, for 20 yen you can walk inside).
And then we watched the sun go down at a "California" surf bar.
And this photo doesn't do it justice, but it was a full moon.
And that concludes the best of the 300 photos I took this weekend.